Friday, January 7, 2011

Let's give this blog thing a try...

Hello family, friends, and other Americans I will soon tragically leave behind,

    Well, tomorrow is the big day. The day I leave for a full semester in London. I am so nervous, yet extremely excited. I can't imagine what it will be like to completely submerge myself in another culture. I've been fortunate enough to have endeavored on several adventures already - China, Spain, France, Italy (even New York seemed like a foreign country at first!) - but this will be the first time I actually play the role of a citizen instead of a tourist.

     The past 48 hours have been hectic to say the least. I started packing back home in Wisconsin around 1 PM. Let me tell you, packing for four months wasn't easy. However, thanks to the help of my mother and organizational-obsessive boyfriend, I managed to pack everything into a large suitcase and hiking backpack. Not to mention, I left my bedroom in good condition instead of leaving it looking like a natural disaster zone.

      My original plan was to fly to Newark, New Jersey on January 7th where I would stay with my sorority sister Lauren and then leave for London January 8th with fellow classmates on a giant group flight. Well, Mother Nature had other plans. Around 4 PM on January 6th, I received a call from Frontier Airlines saying that there was going to be a severe snow storm and that I would most likely miss my flight to New Jersey. The airlines did say that I could get out that night. Looking at my half-full suitcase, I had a panic attack (which is probably an understatement) and began to pack like a mad-woman. Thankfully, my super hero mom and her trusty sidekick Craig got me on standby for a flight at 7:50 AM the next day, and I was able to enjoy my last night with an italian family dinner.

        However, a 7:50 AM flight means an early wakeup call - something I'm not a fan of. Let's just say, I schedule my college courses after 10 AM for a reason. Nevertheless, after struggling to get out of bed at 4:15 AM, I made it to the airport and secured a seat on the flight. The ticketing agent was great too. You know how they say like mother like daughter? Well, it's true. If you've met my mother, she's no light packer - and neither was I. My suitcase was significantly overweight, but the ticketing agent waived the $100 fee! God certainly heard our prayers about a safe departure. Thankfully, the snow was minimal and I arrived in New Jersey around noon.

        My sorority sister's house is a beautiful home in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (yes, it is a real place), which is about an hour from the airport. After grabbing some lunch with one of her high school pals, I helped her run some errands and catch up before hitting the guest bedroom for a much needed nap. Later that evening, Lauren's parents treated us and two other friends to a delicious sushi dinner, and then Lauren and I proceeded to spend the evening hanging out with a few of her friends.

      I received my schedule for my first week in London, and I couldn't be more excited. From walking tours, to a boat trip, to a mixer with a neighboring college, it appears that London will be an experience I shall never forget. Plus, I discovered that my long-term, long-distance boyfriend Jack will live five blocks away. This will be the first time in four years that we won't be a cross-country couple, and I am truly excited. However, we both want to make sure that we create our own experiences and not make this a honeymoon experience.

      Wow! If I have this much to say about my travel experience, I can't imagine how much I'll have to say once I'm there. Now, I can't promise that I will update this blog everyday, but I'm shooting for about once or twice a week. Hopefully, I can inform you all of my adventures and travels. Can't wait to tell you all more!


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